Hence it is key to start now by employing the services of a company who can evaluate your overall business strategy, and blend that into a successful online marketing campaign. There are a few summary points here to help you guide you on your way (but it must be pointed out that every case may have it's own unique requirements):
1. The Company Website: When you produce a website (or have one done for you), does it best reflect the type of company you are, and more importantly attract the sort of business you want to be best at?. Focussing on the style / presentation / overall content of your website is a key starting point to facilitating a good start to creating new business.
2. Business Communications (NewsLetter / Subscriber Options): Do you have a subscriber list setup on your site?. It it working (i.e. Getting the adequate no. of signups per month: A typiical small company may get beteen 10 and 20 signups per month)
3. Business Communications (Email marketing campaigns): Do you currently have a regular email campaign in operation?. If so how are you measuring the results you are getting from it? How often do you send out your emails?. (This is the subject of another Post)
4. Have you got a WEB-Blog?: How dynamic is your website? (or better put: how dynamic does it NEED to be?): As trends change in your business (as they do, with most businesses), is your website (or even your business) reflecting / adapting to those changes?. A web-blog is typically the best way to address this issue, by letting people know what's happening currently in your business.
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